Workshop of “Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of CPC: Theory and Practice of China’s Diplomacy with Chinese Ch
2016/09/10 read:528
May 4, Workshop of “Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC): Theory and Practice of China’s Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics” was held in SIIS. The workshop consists of two sessions, “CPC and the Theory of China’s Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics” and “CPC and the Practice of China’s Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics”. SIIS President Yang Jiemian made opening remarks for the workshop. Officials and scholars from International Department Central Committee of CPC (IDCPC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Shanghai Social Sciences Association (SSSA) and Shanghai Party Institute (SPI) and SIIS attended the workshop.