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Joan Johnson-Freese, Department Chair of National Security Studies at the Naval War College, visited SIIS
2016/09/10  read:456
Joan Johnson-Freese, Department Chair of National Security Studies at the Naval War College, visited SIIS and talked with SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao, Depury Director Wu Chunsi of Institute for Foreign Policy Studies, and Dr. Yu Yingli about Sino-U.S. cooperation on outer-space, Obama Administration’s policy of outer-space and Sino-U.S. relations. Dr. Joan Johnson-Freese held that America is seeking the domination of outer-space resources, which will stir up arms race on the outer-space and will alienate American allies. American policy on outer-space is greatly influenced by government shifts, the attitudes of the Congress, the budget, the competition among sections and so on. China and U.S. should strengthen their cooperation on outer-space and prevent from stimulating other countries and from triggering arms race and China therefore has to increase its transparency. Obama administration is little different from Bush administration on the goals of national security strategy, except the means and tactics to realize them. Anyway, there is still a long way to go for China and America to enhance their intercommunication and mutual trust.