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Zimbabwean SARDC Delegation visit SIIS
2016/09/10  read:549
March 15, the Delegation of Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) led by SARDC Executive Director Ms. Phyllis Johnson visited SIIS. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao meets with the Zimbabwean guests. Mr. Anderson Shankanga, Senior Research Advisor of Africa University and Mr. Percyslage Chigora, Head of Department of Politics and Public Management at Midlands State University give a lecture on “Education in Africa and the Changes since Independence” and “Peace and Security in Africa: the Role of China” respectively. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao chaired the lecture. Dr. Zhang Chun, Deputy Director of the Center for West Asia & Africa Studies, and Dr. Jin Liangxiang, Fellow of the Institute for International Strategic Studies offered their comments and questions. The members of Center for West Asia & Africa Studies, young fellows and graduate students participated in the lectures.