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The Second International Symposium on China – Africa / Zimbabwe Relations and Regional Cooperation of Southern Africa held in SI
2016/09/10  read:431
March 15, the Second International Symposium on China – Africa / Zimbabwe Relations and Regional Cooperation of Southern Africa co-sponsored by SIIS and Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) is held in SIIS. SIIS President Yang Jiemian and Dr. Anderson Shankanga, Senior Research Advisor of Africa University deliver opening remarks on each behalf. H.E. Mr. Tang Zhenqi, former Ambassador of China to Namibia shares his thoughts for the conference. Delegates from SIIS, SARDC, Charhar Institute of China, East China Normal University (ECNU), and Touchroad Group have in-depth discussions on the issues of China-Africa and China-Zimbabwe Relations and Perspective and Proposal for Global and African Focal Points.

(For full report, see also People Online http://world.people.com.cn/GB/17400790.html )