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International Symposium on “Global and Collaborative Asian & Pacific Leadership for the G20” held in SIIS
2016/09/10  read:478
September 23-24, the International Symposium on “Global and Collaborative Asian & Pacific Leadership for the G20” is held in SIIS. The symposium is sponsored by The Stanley Foundation, MUNK School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and SIIS. SIIS President Yang Jiemian, Mr. David Shorr, Program Officer of The Stanley Foundation and Prof. Alan Alexandroff, Director of Online Research and Digital20 Project, MUNK School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto deliver opening remarks for the symposium. The symposium touches upon the issues of “The G20 and Its Evolving Agenda”, “The Reform and Management of the Global Economic Agenda”, “Towards Collaborative Leadership-Regional and Global Governance Issues” and so forth. Officials, scholars and researchers from governmental organizations, think tanks and academic institutions as The Stanley Foundation, MUNK School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Canadian Consulate in Shanghai, South African Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA), Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia, Institute for Agriculture and Trade, USA, Korea Development Institute, and China-based Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pudong Institute for the US Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Fudan University and SIIS participate to have wide-range and in-depth discussions.