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SIIS co-hosts the Seminar on Situation in Europe and China-Europe Relations
2016/09/10  read:408
August 16 to 17, The Seminar on Situation in Europe and China-Europe Relations is held in Xiamen. The seminar is sponsored by the Department of European Affairs at the Minister of Foreign Affairs and co-hosted by the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen. Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao participates the seminar and delivers the keynote speech stressing that China has attached great importance to the China-Europe relations, and will promote the cooperation between the two sides in all fields. More than 50 experts on European Studies from Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Jinan participates the seminar and have deep discussions about the situation in Europe, the European debt crisis, the integration of Europe, the foreign policy of EU, and China-Europe relations.