SIIS holds the International Conference on “Shifting Coalitions and Potential Blocs for Asian & Pacific Leadership in the G20”
2016/09/10 read:452
September 14-15, Co-sponsored by the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), The Stanley Foundation (TSF), the Korea Development Institute (KDI), and the Global Summitry Project at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto (Munk School), the International Conference on “Shifting Coalitions and Potential Blocs for Asian & Pacific Leadership in the G20” is held in SIIS. SIIS President Yang Jiemian participates the conference and delivers the opening remarks together with Janice Stein, Director of the Munk School, Brian Hanson, Vice Chair of the Stanley Foundation Board of Directors, and Lim Wonhyuk, Director of Global Economy Research at KDI. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao delivers the concluding remarks for the conference. The two-day conference invites government officials and scholars from 9 Chinese institutions including the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the International Department of CPC Central Committee, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Peking University etc, and 30 some international participants from institutions of 13 countries including the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, MFA of Mexico, MFA of Singapore, The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat among Japan, PRC and ROK, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Russian International Organisations Research Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Murdoch University in Australia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Sheffield etc. The participants have a deep discussion about the Sino-US relation and the prospect of G20, the relation between TPP and the China-Japan-Korea trilateral cooperation and their implication on the regional and global economic governance, the role of G7 and BRICS, and some other issues.