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SIIS Hosts International Conference on “ Cooperation Between Far Eastern Region of Russia and China North Eastern Region: Opport
2016/09/10  read:497

October 11, Hosted by SIIS and assisted by the Foreign Affairs Office of Hei Longjiang Provincial People’s Government, the International Conference on “ Cooperation Between Far Eastern Region of Russia and China North Eastern Region: Opportunity and Challenge” is held in Harbin. SIIS President Yang Jiemian attends the meeting. Mr Gui Congyou, Deputy-Director General of Department of European-Central Asian Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs China, Mr Li Wenxin, General Consul of China in Khabarovsk ,Mr Sun Lijie, China Coordinator in Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Mr Song Mingwen, Deputy-Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hei Longjiang Provincial People’s Government and other research fellows from Institute of Far Eastern Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES),Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russian Far Eastern Federal University, China Academy of Social Science, China Institute of Internatioanl Studies, Heilongjiang Academy of Social Science,Heilongjiang University,Hei Longjiang Institute for Sino-Russia Economy Studies(Suifenhe).etc discuss different issues related to Russia’s far eastern regional development and China’s rejuvenation plan for north eastern region industrial centers, Sino-Russia regional economic cooperation,APEC summit result and border cooperation.