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The Nixon Foundation Pays a Visit to SIIS
2016/09/10  read:440

May 9, Led by Mr. Christopher Nixon Cox, grandson of Richard Nixon, the delegation of the Nixon Foundation pays a visit to SIIS and has a discussion with SIIS experts. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao chairs the discussion. Prof. Cai Penghong, senior research fellow of the Center for American Studies, Dr. Zhang Haibing, Executive Director of the Institute for World Economy Studies, Dr. Niu Haibin, Assistant Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies, Dr. Zhang Zhexin, Assistant Director of the Institute for Taiwan Hong Kong & Macao Studies, and Dr. Zha Xiaogang, research fellow of the Institute for World Economy Studies also participate in the discussion. Both sides exchange views on China"s peaceful development, US pivot to Asia, new type of major power relations and some other issues.