SIIS President Yang Jiemian Leads a Delegation to Myanmar
2016/09/10 read:602
November 4 to November 9, SIIS President Yang Jiemian leads SIIS delegation to Myanmar and discusses with representatives from Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies, the department of international relations of the University of Yangon, Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party, the Union Solidarity and Development Party, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar, Upstream Ayeyawady Confluence Basin Hydropower Co.LTD, China’s Embassy in Myanmar on mutually concerned international and regional issues. During the visit, President Yang Jiemian also receive the interview from SkyNet TV station and delivers his own opinion on the different issues including Myanmar reform, Sino-Myanmar relation, China’s strategy on neighboring region and other international and regional issues.
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Visits the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS)
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Receives the Interview from SkyNet Television
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Visits the department of international relations of the University of Yangon
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Visits China Embassy in Myanmar and meets with Mr.Li Junhua China Ambassador in Myanmar
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Visits the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
SIIS President Yang Jiemian meets with Mr. U Thant Kyaw, Deputy Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs
SIIS President Yang Jiemian meets with Mr. U Thant Kyaw, Deputy Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs
SIIS President Yang Jiemian meets with Mr. U Zin Yaw, Deputy Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Meets with Mr. Maung Maung Thein, Chief Secretary of the Union Solidarity and Development Party and Mr. U Soe Naing, President of the Executive Central Committee of USDP
SIIS President Yang Jiemian Visits the Upstream Ayeyawady Confluence Basin Hydropower Co.LTD which belongs to CPI Yunnan International Power Investment Co.LTD and discusses with Company Representative in Naypyidaw Ms. Li Xiaopin