The 90th Delegation of U.S. Congressional Staffs Visits SIIS
April 3, The 90th Delegation of U.S. Congressional Staffs led by Mr. Craig Roberts visits SIIS and talks with SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao about Sino-U.S. political, economic and security issues, geopolitics and some other issues. Dr. Zhang Haibing, Executive Director of the Institute for World Economy Studies, Dr. Shao Yuqun, Executive Director of the Center for American Studies, Mr. Song Qing from the Department of Research Management and International Exchanges also participate in the meeting.
2016/09/10 read:436
April 3, The 90th Delegation of U.S. Congressional Staffs led by Mr. Craig Roberts visits SIIS and talks with SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao about Sino-U.S. political, economic and security issues, geopolitics and some other issues. Dr. Zhang Haibing, Executive Director of the Institute for World Economy Studies, Dr. Shao Yuqun, Executive Director of the Center for American Studies, Mr. Song Qing from the Department of Research Management and International Exchanges also participate in the meeting.