SIIS holds the Seminar on Honorary President Mr. Li Chuwen’s 75th Anniversary since his participation in revolution as well as I
2016/09/10 read:452
March 18, SIIS holds the Seminar on Honorary President Mr. Li Chuwen’s 75th Anniversary since his participation in revolution as well as International Situations. President Yang Jiemian chairs the meeting and delivers the opening remarks. Mr. Li Chuwen expresses his expectations for SIIS research fellows. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao, Prof. Yu Xintian, Director of the SIIS Advisory Committee, Prof. Wu Jinan, Deputy Director of the SIIS Advisory Committee, Prof. Li Weijian, Executive Director of the Institute for Foreign Policy Studies, Prof. Zhao Gancheng, Director of the Center for Asian-Pacific Studies, Dr. Zhang Haibing, Executive Director of the Institute for World Economy Studies respectively give a brief speech about international situations.