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SIIS Holds the International Conference on “Global Energy Governance and the G20”
2016/09/10  read:477
On May 29, SIIS holds the international conference on “Global Energy Governance and the G20”. Participants from U.S, Britain, Canada, Korea, Japan, China, India, Australia and other countries have a warm discussion on evolving global energy market and rising gaps for global energy governance, issue perspective: changing  landscape of global oil and gas market and G20, nexus perspective: climate change, energy and G20, political economy perspective: major powers, institutions and G20 in the global governance and policy recommendation for the future G20 on improving global energy governance.President Chen Dongxiao chairs the meeting and Mr. Li Kexin, Deputy Director General and G20 Sous Sherpa Department of International Economic Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs attends the meeting and delivers opening remarks.