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The 2016 CSAHS Annual Conference is held in SIIS
2016/09/10  read:734
On August 13, 2016, co-sponsored by the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies (CSAHS) and the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), the 2016 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies under the theme of “The History, Theory and Reality of African Development: Prospects and Challenges of China-Africa Development and Cooperation in the New Era” was held in SIIS. More than 50 experts from various institutions were invited and had discussions on the peace and security in Africa, political development in Africa, economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa, and many other issues. SIIS President Chen Dongxiao, Prof. Mu Tao, Director of the Department of History of East China Normal University and Vice President of CSAHS, Prof. Wang Chaoguang, Vice President of the Institute of World History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences delivered opening remarks. Prof. Ning Sao, Honorary President of CSAHS also participated in the conference. Prof. Bi Jiankang, Secretary General of CSAHS made the concluding remarks.