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The Fourth International Security Studies Forum Co-hosted by SIIS
2016/10/20  read:927

From October 14-15, 2016, the Fourth International Security Studies Forum was co-hosted by Global Review of SIIS, International Security Studies of the Institute of International Relations, and the Institute of ASEAN Studies of Guangxi University of Nationalities in Nan Ning. SIIS Vice President Yan Anlin, IIR Counselor Tao Jian, and Secretary of CPP Committee of GXUN Prof. Zhu Hua gave opening remarks. Nearly 100 scholars from universities and think tanks in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing etc. participated in the discussion on the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the theory and practice of Asia-Pacific security community. Prof. Zhang Chun, associate editor-in-chief of Global Review and Dr. Zhang Zhexin, associate editor-in-chief of CQISS and their SIIS colleagues gave keynote speeches at the forum.

This forum is an influential annual event co-hosted by the Global Review and International Security Studies starting from 2013. The fifth forum will be held by the School of International Studies, University of Yun Nan in October, 2017.