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The Uruguayan Delegation Visits SIIS
2017/03/15  read:6162

On March 14, 2017, the delegation led by Mr. Fernando Lugris, Uruguayan Ambassador to China, visited SIIS and shared their views on the possibility and implications of FTA between Uruguay and China. The Uruguayan participants included Dr. Ignacio Bartesaghi, Director of Department of International Negotiations and Integration, Catholic University of Uruguay and Mr. Leonardo Olivera D’Andrea, Consul General of Uruguay in Shanghai. Participants from the Shanghai Agricultural Assets & Equity Exchange, Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, SafBon Water Service (Holding) Inc, and Yiwu Kingtop Imp & Exp Co. Ltd joined the meeting. SIIS Vice President Yan Anlin met with the delegation. Dr. Niu Haibin, Deputy Director of the Center for American Studies, Dr. Lou Xiangfei, research fellow of the Center for American Studies, and Dr. Wang Yuzhu, research fellow of the Institute for World Economy Studies participated in the discussion.