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SIIS Delegation Visits the U.S.
2017/05/16  read:9380

On May 3-10, 2017, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao led a group to Washington D.C. and New York City, U.S.

The SIIS delegation had meetings with officials from the Department of State, Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate, and Department of Defense.

Meeting with James Heller, EAP Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of State

Meeting with Michael Schiffer, Senior Advisor of the Committee on Foreign Relations, US Senate

The SIIS group had discussions with the U.S. leading scholars from the Brookings Institution, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP), National Committee on US-China Relations (NCUSCR), Pew Research Center, and Morgan Stanley etc.

Meeting with Bruce Stokes and Richard Wike from the Pew Research Center

Meeting with Ken Lieberthal and Jonathan Pollack from the Brookings Institution

Meeting with Douglas Paal and Michael Swaine from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Meeting with Stephen Orlins and Jan Berris from the NCUSCR

Meeting with scholars from the NCAFP

discussing with Michael Zezas, Managing Director, Head of Municipal Strategy & Research, Kristin H. Roesser, Executive Director, and David Lew, Senior Vice President on U.S. tax reform and US-China trade relations etc.

Meeting with Evan Medeiros, Director of Asian program, Euroasia Group

Meeting with Yasushi Kudo, President of Genron NPO

As a founding member of the Council of Councils, the SIIS delegation participated in the CoC Sixth Annual Conference. President Chen was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the 2017 CoC Report Card on International Cooperation Launch.

Attending Council of Councils 6th Annual Conference

President Chen delivering a keynote speech at the 2017 Report Card Launch

During their visit to the U.S., the SIIS group also met with Mr. Cui Tiankai, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. and Mr. Yang Yingming, Executive Director for China at the World Bank Group.

visiting the Chinese Embassy in the U.S.

Meeting with Ambassador Cui Tiankai