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SIIS Graduate Students had Academic Exchanges with the Bush School Student Delegation (U.S.)
2017/05/31  read:11663

From May 23 to 27, 2017, a delegation of graduate students from the Bush School, Texas A&M University (US) visited SIIS and had academic exchanges with SIIS students.


Prof. Yang Jiemian, Chairman of the SIIS Academic Affairs Council gave a speech on “China’s Diplomacy and China-US Relations”.

Prof. Mei Junjie, Deputy Director of the SASS Institute of China Studies gave a speech on “Chinese Economic Growth from the Perspective of Economic History”.

The graduate students also visited Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and had interactions with SISU students. Prof. Liu Hongsong, Deputy Director of the School of International Relations gave a lecture on China and the G20.

The activities are part of the institutional exchange program between SIIS and the Bush School. Students from both sides had in-depth communications by learning and on-site visits.