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Prof. Yang Jiemian Visits Britain, Germany and France
2017/07/13  read:13029
From July 5th-12th, 2017, Prof. Yang Jiemian, chairman of SIIS Academic Affairs Council visited Britain, Germany and France invited by the CEIBS. Prof. Yang attended the 3rd Europe Forum 2017 in London and Paris. He delivered keynote speeches on the Belt and Road Initiative, Britain and France’s contribution.

Prof. Yang delivering a speech on Belt and Road Initiative and Britain’s Contribution

Prof. Yang giving keynote speech at the China France Investment Dialogue

During his stay in Germany, Prof. Yang attended the Germany-China Forum on the globalization and Belt and Road Initiative. He also gave a keynote speech and participated in panel discussions.


Prof. Yang attending the Germany-China Forum in Hamburg

During his visit to Europe, Prof. Yang met with Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former prime minister of France, Mr. Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and Mr. Zhaijun, Chinese Ambassador to France.