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The 2nd International Roundtable on Military Cyber Stability held at SIIS
2017/08/29  read:11565

On August 21-22, 2017, the 2nd International Roundtable on Military Cyber Stability was co-held by the SIIS and CSAIL MIT. Prof. Yang Jian, Vice President of SIIS, Janice Hamby, RAdm & iCollege Chancellor of NDU, and Mr. Long Zhou, coordinator for cyber affairs, Chinese MFA gave welcome and opening remarks.

More than 40 governmental officials and scholars from China, US, UK, France, South Korea and Canada participated in the meeting. The attendees had a discussion on the cyberspace strategic stability, cyberpower and its correlates, nuclear and space stability, managing multi-level cyber conflict, and applicability of international law to cyberspace.