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International Conference on Nuclear and the Stability of the Cyberspace Held at SIIS
2018/01/17  read:7369

On Jan. 11-12th, 2018, the international conference on Nuclear and the Stability of the Cyberspace was co-hosted by SIIS and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. SIIS vice president Yang Jian, Rt. Senior Colonel Xu Weidi from the Institute for Strategic Studies, NDU, PLA, and George Perkovich,Vice President for Studies and Ken Olivier And Angela Nomellini Chair,CEIP delivered opening remarks and shared their insights.


Nearly 20 participants including Rt. Major General Liu Chao, China Institute for International Strategic Studies, Rt. Major General John Davis, VP, Chief Security Officer (Federal), Palo Alto Networks, and scholars from National Defense University, PLA, Tsinghua University, and Knowfar Institute of Strategic and Defense Studies etc. participated in the roundtable. The attendees had a discussion on the impact of cyber security in nuclear domain, identification of the vulnerable area across cyber and nuclear, cyber-nuclear stability, and norms on cyber behaviors.