Seminar on World Bank Group Engagement in Upper-Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from IEG Evaluations Held at SIIS
2018/01/30 read:7520
On Jan. 26th, 2018, supported by the Chinese Ministry of Finance, the seminar on World Bank Group Engagement in Upper-Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from IEG Evaluations was jointly hosted by SIIS and WBG-IEG.
SIIS President Chen Dongxiao, Mr. Liu Weihua, deputy director-general, department of International Economic & Financial Cooperation of the Ministry of Finance, China, and Ms. Caroline Herder, director general and senior Vice President Evaluation, World Bank Group gave their opening remark for the seminar.
Nearly 20 experts including scholars from universities and thinktanks of China, the US, ROK, Germany and representatives from WBG and NDB had a discussion on avoiding the middle-income trap and the role of MDBs,IEG’s perspectives on WBG engagement in China, and rationale and threshold of the graduation policy for UMIGs etc.