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Delegation of SIIS visited Belgium, France, Germany, and the European Commission
2019/07/25  read:2710

From July 10th to 19th, 2019, a delegation led by SIIS president Chen Dongxiao visited Belgium, France, Germany, and the European Commission. Prof. Zhang Yinghong, director of the Center for European Studies, deputy director Dr. Long Jing, as well as Prof. Qiang Xiaoyun, deputy director of the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies participated in the group.

In Belgium, the delegation visited a range of key institutes of the European Union and well-known think tanks, including the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Policy Centre, the Royal Institute for International Relations (i.e. the Egmont Institute), Center for European Reform, European Political Strategy Centre, Centre for European Policy Studies, Friends of Europe and Bruegel. SIIS scholars exchanged views with European officials and academics on Sino-European relations, US-EU relations, science and technology cooperation between China and the EU, the European parliament election, the EU’s foreign policy, Belt and Road initiative and the EU’s Strategic autonomy.

The delegation also attended the 5th Europe Forum, during which President Chen Dongxiao was invited to give a speech on China-EU cooperation in technology innovation. Thiseventbrought together nearly 100 representatives from CEIBS, the European Commission, the Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the European Union, and the EFMD, among others, for discussions exploring how China and Europe can balance policy and market forces to achieve sustainable technological innovation, how SMEs in both regions can leverage opportunities to expand into overseas markets, and how both sides can work together to improve bilateral cooperation.

Charge d'Affaires ad interim for the Mission of the People's Republic of China to the European Union Wang Hongjian, former World Trade Organisation Director-General Pascal Lamy, a representative of the Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Ms. ElżbietaBieńkowska and European Commission Deputy Director-General for Implementation, Impact & Sustainable Investment Strategies Mr. Patrick Child delivered keynote speeches at the event.

The delegation visited the European Commission. President Chen Dongxiaodiscussed with Dr. Bernard, international relations officer at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission, about China-EU cooperation in technology innovation.

The delegation visited the Centre for European Policy Studies.President Chen Dongxiaoexchanged opinions with Dr. Daniel Gros, the Director at CEPS, regarding China-EU commercial cooperation and US-EU transatlantic relations.

The delegation visited the Royal Institute for International Relations. President Chen Dongxiao had a deep conversation with Dr. Sven Biscopand Dr. Thomas Renard on the future of European integration and the EU’s foreign policy.

The delegation visited the Center for European Reform. President Chen Dongxiao had a discussion with Dr. Bond, Director of foreign policy, on Sino-European relations and Brexit issues.

President Chen Dongxiao visited the European Commission, and exchanged views with Ambassador JariVilén, former EU ambassador and now the Senior Advisor in the European Political Strategy Centre, Dr.Bart Szewczyk, Adviser on Global Affairs at the EPSC and Matthias Busse, senior economic analyst, on US-EU transatlantic relations and the future direction of China-EU cooperation.

The delegation had a business lunch with Janis A. Emmanouilidis, Director of Studies at the European Policy Centre. President Chen Dongxiao discussed with him about the European parliament election and the new leaders of the EU.

The delegation visited Friends of Europe. President Chen Dongxiao exchanged views with Ms. Islam, Director of Europe and Geopolitics, on Sino-European relations, the EU’s foreign policy, Sino-US relations and refugee issues.

The delegation took part in the 5th Europe Forum.

President Chen Dongxiao was invited to give a keynote speech on China-EU Cooperation in technology innovation.

President Chen Dongxiao had a conversation with Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization.

President Chen Dongxiao attended the activities held by the Mission of the People's Republic of China to the European Union.

President Chen Dongxiao had a conversation with Dr. Wolff, Director of Bruegel.

During the visit to France, the delegation visited L’institutFrançais des Relations Internationales, L’institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, L’institut Montaigne and the National Assembly. The scholars exchanged views with députés of the National Assembly, business executives, experts and academics regarding the EU’s foreign policy, the European parliament election, Brexit, China-EU commercial cooperation, populism in Europe, NATO policies, and so forth.

On July 16th, President Chen Dongxiao was invited by L’institut Montaigne to give a keynote speech on Sino-US relations, and had a discussion with French business executives about China-EU cooperation in commerce, science and technology. The meeting was joined by Mr.Devaux, VP Market Intelligence of the Airbus Group, Mr. Portal, diplomatic counsellor at Safran, Ms.De Foucaucourt, Manager of Global Public Affairs at Sanofi and others.

On July 17th, President Chen Dongxiao was invited by Ms. Natalia Pouzyreff, député of the National Assembly to attend a meeting with députésÉric Bothorel, Monica Michel, Lilianna Tanguy and advisors of the national assembly. They had a discussion on topics including China-EU relations, China-France relations, Belt and Road initiative, science and technology.

President Chen Dongxiao led the delegation to attend a workshop at L’institutFrançais des Relations Internationales.

The delegation, led by President Chen Dongxiao, had a conversation with Sylvie Matelly, Deputy Director at L’institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques.

President Chen Dongxiao was invited by L’ institut Montaigne to deliver a keynote speech and to communicate with French business leaders as well as senior executives.

The delegation visited L’institut Montaigneand exchanged views with Dr.Duchâtel, Director of the Asia Program, and Dr. Harold from RAND Corporation.

The delegation was invited by Député Natalia Pouzyreff to visit the National Assembly. President Chen Dongxiao exchanged views with multiple députésregarding China-France relations, China-Eu relations and Belt and Road initiative.

From July 18th to 19th, SIIS president Chen Dongxiao led the delegation to Germany, and visited theEuropean Council on Foreign Relations, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the Körber-Stiftung, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, and the Federal Foreign Office. The delegation exchanged opinions with politicians and academics regarding China-EU relations, US-EU relations, cooperation in science and technology and so on.

The delegation attended the workshop on China-EU relations hosted by the European Council on Foreign Relations. President Chen Dongxiao was invited to deliver a keynote speech and had a conversation with the diplomats, experts and academics.Participating officialswere from German Federal Foreign Office, and were also from the Embassy of the US, the Embassy of France, the Embassy of India, the Embassy of Finland and the Embassy of the Netherlands.

On July 19th, the delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Germany, and had a meeting with Minister Zhang Junhui. President Chen Dongxiao also gave a speech on the international situation to the officials of the Embassy.

President Chen Dongxiao was invited by the European Council on Foreign Relations to deliver a keynote speech.

The delegation visited the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and had a meeting with Mrs. Christiane Kesper, Head of the Division for International Cooperation at FES.

President Chen Dongxiao had a conversation with Ms. Nora Müller, Executive Director of International Affairs atKörber-Stiftung on cooperation.

The delegation visited the German Institute for International and Security Affairs and communicated with Dr.Hilpert, Head of Asian Studies.

The delegation visited the Federal Foreign Office and exchanged views with Mr. Roth, Acting Director of China Affairs department, on China-EU relations, the EU’s strategic sovereignty, science and technology.

The delegation had a meeting with Dr. Henning Meyer, Editor-in-Chief of Social Europe and Director of the network consultancy New Global Strategy.

The delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Germany, and had a meeting with Minister Zhang Junhui.