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SIIS Hosts an International Webinar on “China-CEEC Relations in ‘Big Power’ Games”
2020/10/09  read:514

On October 9, 2020, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and the Shanghai Institute for European Studies jointly held an international webinar on "China-CEEC Relations in 'Big Power' Games". Scholars from Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Latvia, and Austria had an in-depth discussion on the Impact of big power games on CEE countries, Prospect of China-CEEC relations etc.

Dr. Chen Dongxiao, President of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, and Dr. Xu Mingqi, President of Shanghai Institute of European Studies, delivered opening and closing remarks respectively. Dr. Zhang Yinghong, Director of Center for European Studies of SIIS and Dr. Long Jing, Deputy Director of Center for European Studies of SIIS participated in the discussion. Dr.Liu Zuokui, Secretary General of China-CEEC Think Tanks Network and Vice-President of China-CEE Institute was invited to the meeting.