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SIIS and SIES Co-host a Webinar on “Perspectives on China-Europe Relationshipafter the Conclusion of CAI Negotiation”
2021/01/30  read:654

On January 27,2021, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies co-hosted a webinar on “Perspectives on China-Europe Relationship after the Conclusion of CAI Negotiation” in collaboration with the Shanghai Institute for European Studies. President Chen Dongxiao of SIIS delivered opening remarks. Dr. Daniel Gros, Director of Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Dr. Zhang Yinghong, Director of the Center for European Studies, SIIS, and Dr. Ian Bond, Director of Foreign Policy, Center for European Reform made guiding presentations. European scholars from German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and Chinese scholars from SIES and SIIS joined the discussion.

Candid and in-depth dialogue at the webinar enabled participants to have a better understanding of relevant party’s expectation of CAI and provide quality policy advices on how China-Europe relations could continuously be a positive factor in an increasingly complex world.