- North East Asia Project Director of International Crisis Group Visits SIIS
- November 16, Ms. Stephanie Kle...
- 2016/09/10
Nadir Patel, Canadian Consul General Nadir Patel Visited SIISJuly 19, Nadir Patel, Canadian Consul General Nadir Patel visited SIIS and talked with President Yang Jiemian, Director Wu Chunsi of American Studies about World EXPO diplomacy.2016/09/10
U.S. State Department official Visits SIISNovember 14, Mr. Josh Goldberg of U.S. State Department visits SIIS, and has discussion with Dr.Xue Chen and Dr.Xue Lei, research fellows in the Institute for International Strategic Studies and Institute for World Economy Studies on China relations with its North East Asia neighbors.2016/09/10
Chiang Chie Foo, permanent secretary of Singapore"s Ministry of Defense, led a delegat...July 15, Chiang Chie Foo, permanent secretary of Singapore"s Ministry of Defense, led a delegation to SIIS and talked with Vice President Chen Dongxiao, Director Zhao Gancheng of South Asian Studies, Deputy Director Lian Degui of Japanese Studies, and research fellow Zha Xiaogang about East Asian si...2016/09/10
Senior Associate of the Southe Asia Program of the Carnegie Endowment Visits SIISNovember 2, Dr. Ashley J. Tellis,senior associate of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace visits SIIS and discusses with Prof. Zhao Gancheng, Director of the Center for South Asian Studies, Dr. Gong Keyu, Deputy Director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr....2016/09/10
International Symposium of “China and the World in Transformation of International Sys...June 28, International Symposium of China and the World in Transformation of International System: Towards Harmonious Society sponsored by SIIS and the Chinese People"s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) was held in Beijing. SIIS President Yang Jiemian chaired the opening ceremony and delivered th...2016/09/10
Diplomats from UK visits SIISJune 28, Ms Emma Baines, first secretary of the British Embassy in Beijing and Ms Lisa Bandari,senior researcher from Policy Unit of FCO visit SIIS and have discussion with Prof. Wu Chunsi, Executive Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies, Dr. Zhang Chun, Deputy Director of th...2016/09/10
SIIS President attends the Seminar Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Dr. Kissinger...June 27, SIIS President Yang Jiemian attended the Seminar Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Dr. Kissingers First Visit to China.2016/09/10
Assistant Professor from the Trinity University Visits SIISJune 7, Dr. Hyon Joo Yoo, Assistant Professor from the Department of Political Science at the Trinity University visits SIIS and has discussion with Prof. Wu Chunsi, Executive Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies and Dr. Xue Chen, research fellow of the Institute for Interna...2016/09/10
SIIS President meets with Russian Federation Consul GeneralJune 15, SIIS President Yang Jiemian met with Russian Federation Consul General Andrey SMORODIN and Deputy Consul General Oleg SOKOLOV.2016/09/10