Yu Xintian is the Director of SIIS’s academic committee, Director of Center of Ethnic ,Religion & Culture Studies ; Receiver of Special Allowance from the State Council; Vice President of China Association of International Relations;Vice President of Shanghai Association of International Relations; President of Shanghai Association of Taiwan Studies; Member of Shanghai Committee of People's Political Consultative Conference; Deputy Director of the Committee for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Shanghai Committee of People's Political Consultative Conference; Deputy Director of the Committee for Study Guidance, Shanghai Committee of People's Political Consultative Conference. She was Director of the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at SASS (1992-1994); Vice President of Shanghai Academy of Social Science (SASS) (1994-2000); President of Shanghai Institute for international studies(2001-2007);Visiting scholar of SAIS and Institute for East Asia Study, UC Berkeley successively between 1990 and 1991; Fellow of Eisenhower Exchange Fellow of the States in 1997; Her major academic interest is in Asia- Pacific affairs, China’s International Strategy, and Culture in International Relations. She is the author of the books: Opportunity and Limitation: Comparative Conditions of Developing Countries; Go Our Own Way: Grand Design of China’s Modernization; Impacts of Developing Countries on International Relations; Culture: Invisible Power in International Relations. She is the editor of the collection of papers: Under the Banner of Peace, Development and Cooperation: China’s Strategic Opportunity; Culture in International Relations: Categories, Roles and Fates; Cultural Impact on International Relations; Cultural Factors in International Relations and so on. The papers she wrote include: “Pondering on Cultural Issues against the Background of Globalization”, “Recognition and Prevention of Contemporary Conflict and War”, “International Factors in China’s Unification”, etc.