- SIIS Holds Future Asia Institute Symposium
- November 20, SIIS holds Future...
- 2016/09/10
Myanmar Diplomat Delegation pays a visit to SIISSeptember 5, the Delegation of Myanmar Diplomats pays a visit to SIIS. SIIS Vice President Dr. Chen Dongxiao meets with the delegation. Both sides exchange views on the issues of political progress and socio-economic development in Myanmar and the current China-Myanmar relations. Prof. Ma Ying, Dire...2016/09/10
Delegation from Chinese Academy of Social Science Visits SIISNovember 21, the delegation from Institute of Latin America of Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS) visits SIIS and has discussion with Dr. Ye Qing, Assistant President & Director of the Center for West Asia & African Studies, Dr. Shao Yuqun, Executive Director of the Center for American Studies...2016/09/10
Former Chancellor of Germany pays a visit to SIISJune 23, H.E. Mr. Gerhard Schrder, Former Chancellor of Germany paid a visit to SIIS, and delivered a keynote speech on the theme of Sovereignty Debt Crisis in EU. SIIS President Yang Jiemian, Vice President Chen Dongxiao, Vice President Yang Jian and Madam Yu Xintian, Director of SIIS Academic Boar...2016/09/10
Scholar from Fu Jen Catholic University Visits SIISNovember 21, Prof. Yang Zhiheng from Fu Jen Catholic University visits SIIS and has a discussion with Prof. Yan Anlin, Executive Director of the Institute for Taiwan, Hongkong & Macao Studies, Prof. Wu Jinan, senior research fellow of the Institute for Taiwan, Hongkong & Macao Studies, Dr. Zhang Yao...2016/09/10
Zimbabwean SARDC Delegation visit SIISMarch 15, the Delegation of Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) led by SARDC Executive Director Ms. Phyllis Johnson visited SIIS. SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao meets with the Zimbabwean guests. Mr. Anderson Shankanga, Senior Research Advisor of Africa University and Mr...2016/09/10
State Secretary of Hamburg Visits SIISNovember 18, Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt, State Secretary of Hamburg visits SIIS and has discussion on German cabinetmaking, Hamburg & Shanghai sister city relations with Prof. Ye Jiang, Executive Director of the Institute for Global Governance Studies, Dr. Zhang Yinghong, Director of the Center for Europe...2016/09/10
European Commission Deputy DG pays a visit to SIISMarch 14, Amb. Karel Kovanda, Deputy Director-General responsible for the Common and Foreign Security Policy (CFSP), Mutilateral Relations with America, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and EFTA in the European Commission"s DG External Relations visits SIIS. SIIS President Yang Jiemian meets w...2016/09/10
Senior Associate from The Asia Institute Visits SIISNovember 18, Dr. Daniel Garrett, Senior Associate from The Aisa Institute visits SIIS and has discussion on water resource management and climate change with Prof. Yu Hongyuan, Deputy Director of the Institute for Comparative Politics and Public Policy, Dr. Cao Jiahan and Ms. Mao Shuyue from the Ins...2016/09/10
SIIS Vice President meets with US Naval War College Department ChairMarch 2, SIIS Vice President Chen Dongxiao meets with Dr. Joan Johnson-Freese, Department Chair of National Security Studies of US Naval War College. VP Chen and Ms. Johnson-Freese exchange viewpoints on such issues as China-US relations and China-US space relationship. Prof. Cai Penghong of the...2016/09/10