- Consul-General of Norway in Shanghai Visits SIIS
- On December 15, 2017, SIIS Pre...
- 2017/12/15
Mr. Bob Carr from University of Technology Sydney (Australia) Visits SIISOn December 5, 2017, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao and Chairman of SIIS Academic Affairs Council, Prof. Yang Jiemian met with Mr. Bob Car, Dean of ACRI (Australia-China Relations Institute) - University of Technology Sydney, former Foreign Minister of Australia. The two sides had a discussion on regi...2017/12/11
International Seminar on Arctic Issues and China-Nordic Cooperation held at SIISOn November 27, 2017, SIIS hosted the international seminar on Arctic Issues and China-Nordic Cooperation in Shanghai. SIIS vice president Yang Jian and Prof. Lassi Heininen from University of Lapland (Finland) gave opening remarks.Overseas scholars from Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Chinese...2017/12/11
SIIS hosts International Conference on Governance and Diplomacy in the Context of Glob...Through December 2-3, 2017, SIIS hosted the international conference on Governance and Diplomacy in the Context of Global Uncertainty in Shanghai. Nearly 20 SIIS international advisors from the U.S., Japan, Republic of Korea, India, Denmark, Romania, Slovenia, Argentina, Singapore, Indonesia, Uzbeki...2017/12/07
SIIS President Chen Dongxiao meets with Delegation of NCUSCROn December 6, 2017, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao met with Thomas Moore and his colleagues from NCUSCR. The two sides had a discussion on China-US digital economy cooperation and institutional cooperation etc. Prof. Lu Chuanying from the Institute for Global Governance participated in the meeting.2017/12/06
SIIS President Chen Dongxiao Meets With Mr. Knut Dethlefsen from FESOn December 4, 2017, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao met with Mr. Knut Dethlefsen, Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s Department for Asia and the Pacific. The two sides exchanged views on the cooperation between SIIS and FES, the domestic situation in Germany, and hot-spot issues in China-Europ...2017/12/05
The 115th U.S. Congressional Staff Delegation Visit SIISOn December 2, 2017, the 115th U.S. congressional staff delegation, organized by the US-Asia Institute, visited SIIS. Prof. Wu Chuns, director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies and Prof. Ye Yu, assistant director of the Institute for World Economic Studies met with the group and h...2017/12/04
SIIS President Chen Dongxiao Meets with Ambassador Masood KhalidOn December 1st, 2017, SIIS President Chen Dongxiao met with Ambassador Masood Khalid, Pakistan ambassador to China. The two sides had a discussion on China-Pakistan relations and cooperation etc. Prof. Wu Chunsi, director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies and Prof. Liu Zongyi att...2017/12/04
SIIS Holds the International Conference on “Shaping Globalization: Chinese & European ...On November 27-28, SIIS and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Germany) co-held the international conference on “Shaping Globalization: Chinese & European Perspectives”. SIIS President Chen Dongxiao and Mr. Stefan Pantekoek, Resident Director of the FES Shanghai Office delivered the opening speech for th...2017/11/30
Delegation of American Friends Service Committee Visits SIISOn November 10, 2017, Prof. Wu Chunsi, director of the Institute for Interntional Strategic Studies, SIIS met with Mr. Jason Tower and his colleagues from American Friends Service Committee. The two sides had a discussion on China-US relations and China-US-Africa cooperation etc. Mr. Tao Tao, Deputy...2017/11/13