- Prof. Yang Jiemian Meets with the Delegation of US House of Representatives
- August 5, Prof. Yang Jiemian, ...
- 2016/09/10
Research Fellow of FIIA Visits SIISOn March 13, Dr. Marja Elina Sinkkonen, senior research fellow of the Finish Institute of International Affairs visited SIIS and exchanged views on China’s foreign policy and China-US relations, with Prof. Wu Chunsi, Director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies, Dr. Shao Yuqun...2016/09/10
SIIS Holds the ASEM Think-Tank SymposiumOn July 22-23, 2014, Hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by SIIS, the ASEM Think-Tank Symposium is held in Shanghai. The two-day Symposium is initiated by China and co-sponsored by EU, Mongolia, Poland and Singapore. 60 experts and officials from 27 ASEM countries attend ...2016/09/10
Executive Director of China Institute ANU Visits SIISOn March 17, Prof. Richard Rigby, Executive Director of China Institute at the Australian National University, visited SIIS and exchanged views on China-Australia relations with Prof. Zhao Gancheng, Director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr. Zhou Shixin, research fellow of the Center for A...2016/09/10
SIIS Holds the International Symposium on Strengthening Economic Cooperation between C...SIIS Holds the International Symposium on Strengthening Economic Cooperation between China & Russia – Achieving Effective Connection between Silk Road Economic Belt & Trans-Euro and Asian Development Zone On July 19-20, SIIS and World Public Forum-Dialogue of Civilization co-hold the internati...2016/09/10
Researcher from the Australia India Institute Visits SIISOn March 13, Dr. David Brewster, research fellow of the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne, visited SIIS and exchanged ideas on China-India relations and the “One Belt One Road” Initiative with Prof. Zhao Gancheng, Director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Dr. Shao Yuqun...2016/09/10
SIIS Holds the Workshop on Towards a Better Government-INGO Relations: Making opportun...On September 23, SIIS holds the workshop on “Towards a Better Government-INGO Relations: Making opportunities for China Join global governance”. SIIS president Chen Dongxiao and Mr. Brian Davidson, Consul-General British Consulate Gene...2016/09/10
Japanese Consul Visits SIISOn March 12, Ms MaitaMai, Consul of the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai, visited SIIS and exchanged views on Sino-Japanese relations with Prof. Wu Jinan, Deputy Director of the SIIS Council of Advisory Committee, Dr. Cai Liang, Dr. Chen Youjun, Dr. Pan Xiaomin from the Center for Asia Pacific...2016/09/10
SIIS Holds the International Seminar on “China’s Foreign Policy under New Leadership a...On July 7, SIIS holds the international seminar on “China’s Foreign Policy under New Leadership and Building of Regional Order” which is the annual conference of SIIS council of international advisors 2014. Participants from China, the United States, Australia, Germany and Argentina have a war...2016/09/10
The Delegation of the Association of Inheriting and Carrying Forward the Murayama Stat...On March 12, led by Prof. Kamakura Takao, the Association of Inheriting and Carrying Forward the Murayama Statement, visited SIIS and exchanged views on Murayama Statement and China-Japanese relations with Prof. Wu Jinan, Deputy Director of the SIIS Advisory Committee, Dr. Cai Liang, and Dr. Chen Yo...2016/09/10