- Seminar on the U.S. General Election and Social Trend held in SIIS
- On July 29, 2016, a seminar on...
- 2016/09/10
SIIS C0-Held International Conference on Global Governance and DevelopmentOn Oct. 25th-26th,Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) co-held an international conference “Global Governance and Development Issue for a Shared Future”. Representatives from government departments, international think tanks, academic or...2016/09/10
President Chen Dongxiao Delivers a Keynote Speech at Think 20 Summit: Building New Glo...Speech at the T20 SummitBeijing, July 29, 2016Chen DongxiaoShanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,First of all, I would join other two co-organizers to extend our warm welcome and sincere thanks to all of you travelling to Beijing to atten...2016/09/10
CIIS Scholar Delivered a lecture at SIISOn Oct. 23rd, Prof. Cui Hongjian, Director of the Department for European Studies CIIS visited SIIS, delivered a lecture on trans-Atlantic relations, and exchanged views with research fellows of SIIS. Dr. Wu Chunsi, Directer of the Institute for International Strategic Studies chaired the discussi...2016/09/10
Roundtable of “People to People Diplomacy in a New Era: Opportunities and Challenges” ...On July 27, 2016, a roundtable of “People to People Diplomacy: Opportunities and Challenges” was hosted by SIIS. President Chen Dongxiao and Ms. Jing Ying, Vice President of the Shanghai Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SPAFFC) gave opening remarks. Ambassador Yu Hongjun,...2016/09/10
Delegation of Islamabad Policy Research Institute Visits SIISOn Oct. 23rd, Dr. Muhammad Munir, former Executive Director of Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI, Pakistan) led a delegation to visit SIIS, exchanging views with research fellows of SIIS on the issues of the situation in Afghanistan, Chian-Pakistan Relations, the Pak-China Economic C...2016/09/10
SIIS Jointly Organized NDB First Annual Meeting of the Board of GovernorsThe New Development Bank (NDB) first annual meeting of the board of governors was held at Pudong Shangri-La Hotel on July 20-21, 2016, which was hosted by NDB and jointly organized by the Shanghai Institute for international Studies (SIIS) and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). Chi...2016/09/10
Delegation of Global Bridges e.V. Visits SIISOn Oct. 22th, Dr. Hans Albrecht, Chairman of Global Bridges e.V. (Germany) and Dr. Walther Leisler Kiep, Honorary Member of Global Bridges e.V. led a delegation of 23 members to visit SIIS, and exchanged views with research fellows of SIIS on the concept of Eurasian collective security. Dr. ...2016/09/10
Roundtable on the Sources of Cut Throat Competition in Overseas Construction Field Hel...On July 8, 2016, a roundtable on the Sources of Cut Throat Competition in Overseas Construction Field was hosted by the Institute for Comparative Politics and Public Policy Studies, SIIS. Prof. Yu Hongyuan, director of the Institute for Public Policy Studies chaired the meeting. The participants had...2016/09/10
South Korean Counsellor Visits SIISOn Oct. 20th, Mr. Choi Bong-kyu, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea China visited SIIS, and exchanged views with Dr. Li Xiushi, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies on the issues of the impacts of Japan’s New Security Bill on North-East Asian securi...2016/09/10